Student Release Form
All students must have a release form on file with OGA before participating in a class. Prior to your child’s trial class, please fill out our Student Release Form completely and bring it in with you on the day of your trial. We ask that both pages be filled out and signed. Signing our release form and enrollment policy does not obligate you to signing up for a class, it just indicates that you have read and understand our policies if you do decide to enroll. (Please note: If your student is trying a Rollie Pollies class, the adult participating in the class with the child is required to fill out the Adult Participation Release Form below).
Click here to download our Student Release Form.
Adult Participation Release Form
If your student is trying a Rollie Pollies class, the adult participating in the class with the child is required to have a release on file as well. Prior to your child’s trial class, please read over the Rollie Pollie class adult responsibilities, fill out our Adult Participation Release Form completely, and bring it in with you on the day of your trial. All participating adults must have a release on file with OGA, so if the participating adult changes please make sure to fill out an additional Adult Participation Release Form.
Click here to download our Adult Participation Release Form.
OGA Illness Policy
Click here to download our Illness Policy.